Published Works
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- Children's Books
- Short Stories
Other Work
As a writer, copywriter and former game designer, I've had several multiple side projects, but also several permanent jobs. Below, you will find a brief listing of the projects I've worked on.

B2B Marketing
For the past fourteen years, I’ve worked as marketing executive, advertising specialist and PR executive. For the past five, I’ve been a B2B marketing specialist.

I’ve worked as a senior copywriter and occasional strategic planner for over seven years.

I’ve collaborated with several publications as both a casual journalist and a movie critic.

Game Design
As a game designer, I’ve been a part of the Android development team Starchaser Studios.

As a translator, I’ve worked with several publishing houses to both translate from Romanian to English, but also to adapt from vernacular speech to academic standards.
Awards & Media
Short Story Collection (2020)
My latest short story collection, The 4D Printed Apocalypse, just launched on the international market. Until then, it’s safe to say that some of the stories have been awarded at UK and US awards including Writer’s Village and Writers of the Future 2020.
Jucării Stricate
Jucării Stricate has recently been launched at Bookfest and extensively covered by several media outlets and blogs as well as by professional review sites and individual reviewers. The promotion tour has also gotten the author featured on a popular Romanian podcast. The book is available on the publishing houses’s website as well as on, and A podcast interviewing the author was also launched on several media outlets.
The book has also been reviewed by a famous Romanian writer and editor, Radu Paraschivescu. The review can be found below.
Ronț și Regele Norilor
Ronț și Regele Norilor was the first of my books to be featured on all major Romanian books fairs and several blogs, and the first to be published internationally, on
Aventurile Căpitanului Ronț
Aventurile Căpitanului Ronț was launched at Bookfest 2015 and can be acquired on multiple book websites, from emag to Upon launch, the books was featured on several kids shows, broadcast on eStradaTV.
The novels in this collection have received multiple “young writer” awards, as they have been written more than a decade before the book’s actual publishing. The free version on Google Books has already garnered a few hundred downloads and a few new reviews.
You can contact me by using the following contact form. By doing so, you willingly consent to send your contact data to the author of this website. Your data will never be used for anything other than providing an answer to your request. However, there are a few other places where it is quite likely you will find me, like my Romanian blog, my official Facebook page or one of my Twitter accounts. You can also contact me on Goodreads, if you'd like.
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